Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Writing Prompts

Help children improve their writing skill.

Avoid the use of computers until after they have learned to type without looking at the keys.

Also avoid letting them EVER use a social networking website (13-adult ages) unless they have completed writing by these methods in handwritten format.  Especially encourage etiquette when writing.

Consider the link for ideas to enhance writing skills in your home.

Prompt ideas:
1. Pen Pal
2. Pretend Business
3. Newspaper
4. Mini-book
5. Fact Report
6. Opinion
7. Biblical magazine article
8. Fancy Writing (pens, caligraphy....)
9. Journal/Diary
10. Past/Future
11. Elderly Neighbor
12. Recipee/Instructions
13. Thankyou/Thinking of you/Farewell/etc etc.
14. Weather Reports
15. Household plans
16. Short Story
17. Bible Tract
18. Manners and Ettiquette goals
19. Letter to God/Prayers
20. Personal Bible Goals
21. Poems
22. Letter to Missionary
23. Letter to family members

Many more ideas are available.  It is more common for a person who has written a book or blog to come up with ideas than a person who does not use writing on a daily basis.

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