Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Reading and Language Arts Topic ideas

Use these ideas to create daily Reading and Language Arts skills for the child

1. Identify True False Statements
2. Become Acquainted with the Bible (Search skills, who wrote the books of the bible)
3. Make a prediction about the story
4. Recognize symbols used in pronunciation key
5. Match statements to story characters
6. Identify cause and effect relationships
7. Identify feelings of the story Characters
8. Recall Story information
9. Learn the meaning of [3-5] vocabulary words
10. Match Story Characters to actions
11. Complete figure of speech
12. Find descriptive words in the story
13. Practice rules for good oral reading (loud, clear, expressive, pause, body language...)
14. Complete phrases for a poem
15. Memorize bible verse from passage
16. Draw conclusions from statements
17. Reflect on bible verse
18. Find meaning for unfamiliar bible words
19. Compare self with story character
20. Identify the setting of the story
21. Recognize where quotations are located in the bible
22. Recall story information and find proof
23. Compare life today with life long ago
24. Learn how to use bible table of contents
25. Find bible locations on a bible map
26. Apply personal experience to the story
27. Distinguish between fact and opinion
28. Alphabetize words by the second letter (or third, fourth....)
29. Recall information from a poem
30. Scan the story for clue words
31. Infer story information
32. Number story events in chronological order
33. Apply prior knowledge to the story
34. Compare objects for similarities and differences
35. Evaluate the choices the story characters made
36. Scan the story for dialogue
37. Compare two different [dinners].
38. Identify repetition in poems
39. Identify ways to listen carefully to God's word
40. Match the story character to his/her home country or town
41. Identify Characters in the story
42. Compare two different story characters
43. Observe punctuation marks in poetry
44. Observe punctuation marks in the bible
45. Categorize words
46. Note an unusual feature in a story or poem
47. Identify Rhyming words in a poem
48. State and explain a preference
49. Scan the story for information
50. Apply information from the story or poem
51. Identify important and unimportant information from the story
52. Learn to read sentences slowly or quickly
53. Learn to read sentences softly or loudly
54. Identify relationships of story characters
55. State a personal preference about the story
56. Compare story characters
57. Identify Characters and setting
58. Predict whether events are possible or impossible
59. Who? what? when? Where? Why? how?
60. Interpret sentences from the story
61. Main Idea of the story
62. Predict whether events are probable or improbable
63. Scan the story for a descriptive verb [part of speech]
64. Identify fiction and non-fiction
65. Complete set of antonyms
66. Read the word with pronunciation symbols
67. Analyze a story character
68. Learn about Titles.  Choose a Title.
69. Complete sets of Synonyms
70. Number inferred story events in chronological order
71. Predict whether events are probable, improbable or impossible
72. Interpret a figure of speech
73. State a belief about the story
74. Learn the meaning of prefixes
75. Complete analogies
76. Learn the meaning of suffixes
77. Complete sentences that support a conclusion
78. Supply a missing word in a poem
79. Use a map and mark the character's Journey
80. Apply background information to a figure of speech
81. Compare one type of thing in a story to some thing else
82. Learn the pronunciation of onomatopoeia and identify words
83. Predict what would have happened if the story events had been different
84. Compare the story to a poem
85. State a personal opinion about the story
86. Number a group of words in order by comparing them

Each reading lesson should include a set of vocabulary words to memorize and a bible verse to memorize and reflect upon.  Select 5 additional objectives and create questions to determine if child understands the concept.

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